AssetID: 54416885
Headline: Keepers Undertake Annual Deadly Task Of Raiding Alligator Nest For Eggs
Caption: Keepers at the Australian Reptile Park have undertaken the highly dangerous task of raiding an alligator nest for eggs. During the daring operation, the team uncovered a clutch of more than 20 eggs laid by Snaggletooth, a female alligator. Park Manager Billy Collett said, “Nothing gets your adrenaline pumping like collecting alligator eggs with the team! Nest raids are always exhilarating.” Each year, these raids are conducted to protect the eggs from two major threats: extreme summer heat and the cannibalistic tendencies of adult alligators. The process demands precision and teamwork. While some keepers restrain the fiercely protective mother, others carefully retrieve her eggs from the nest. Adding to the danger, male alligators also defend the females during breeding season, heightening the risks involved. “The mothers are in full protective mode, and a single misstep can have serious consequences,” Collett explained. “We follow a meticulous plan, ensuring the mother is restrained without harm and monitored afterwards.” To shield the eggs from Australia’s scorching temperatures, which can surpass 40°C, they are transferred to incubators. Here, the controlled environment not only safeguards the eggs but also determines the hatchlings' sex based on temperature. The meticulous process ensures the survival and healthy development of the alligator offspring.
Keywords: feature,photo feature,photo story