AssetID: 54394591
Headline: 'Casualty' Christmas Special Junket
Caption: Barney Walsh, Michael Stevenson and Melanie Hill are interviewed for Casualty Christmas Special, which stars Elinor Lawless, Charles Venn, William Beck, Barney Walsh, Melanie Hill, Michael Stevenson alongside special guests Lucy-Jo Hudson, Tristan Sturrock, Joseph Charles, Zoe Brough, Katy Carmichael and Valerie Antwi. Stefan Pape asks the questions. Plot: It’s Christmas Day in the ED and the team are faced with an emergency blood shortage. Whilst Stevie (Elinor Lawless) fights to save lives, Iain (Michael Stevenson) risks his own to ensure the hospital doesn't go without. The Casualty 2024 Christmas will air at 9.20pm on Saturday 21st December.
Keywords: Casualty,Casualty Christmas Special,Elinor Lawless,Charles Venn,William Beck,Barney Walsh,Melanie Hill,Michael Stevenson,Lucy-Jo Hudson,Tristan Sturrock,Joseph Charles,Zoe Brough,Katy Carmichael,Valerie Antwi,interviews,interview,movie interview,entertainment video
PersonInImage: Barney Walsh, Michael Stevenson, Melanie Hill