AssetID: 54386356
Headline: Jude Law receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame
Caption: The English star unveiled his new plaque in Los Angeles, where he was supported by his wife Phillipa Coan and grown-up children Rafferty and Iris Law, from his first marriage to Sadie Frost. In a passionate speech, the 51-year-old couldn't hide his emotion as he thanked the many people he has worked with over the decades he's spent as an actor. "Unlike playing an instrument or writing or painting, you can't act alone," he began. "It's a frustrating side of the job, but the need to collaborate is very much at the heart of the medium's biggest reward...."
Keywords: CPS1679157,Jude Law,Receives,Star,Hollywood,Walk of Fame,Actor,Career,Phillipa Coa,Sadie Frost,Iris Law,Rafferty Law,Children,Family,Roles,Mother,Father,Speech,Emotional,Movies,Films