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AssetID: 54375502

Headline: 'A.I.'m Like A Bird!' Scientists Build Robotic Raven

Caption: 'A.I.'m Like A Bird!' Scientists Build Robotic Raven. Scientists in Switzerland have built a revolutionary robot raven that leaps into flight like a bird. They hope that one day the design could eliminate the need for runways for small fixed-wing drones or eVTOL craft. Inspired by birds, which use powerful leg thrusts to launch into the air, researchers led by Dr Won Dong Shin created 'RAVEN'. Until now, building a machine able to endure the immense forces involved when a bird springs from its feat has proven challenging. However, Dr Shin's propeller-powered robot can walk, hop, and jump into flight using legs designed to mimic a bird's motion. RAVEN's legs, while inspired by birds, have been simplified. Unlike real bird legs, which have multiple joints at the hip, knee, and ankle, its legs feature just two joints at the hip and knee, powered by small motors. Springs in each foot store and release energy to aid the jump. This streamlined design helps keep the robot's weight to just 600 grams. In tests, RAVEN managed to jump nearly half a metre into the air, reaching a speed of 2.4 metres per second – comparable to similarly sized birds. Once airborne, its propeller kicks in to maintain flight. However, there's still work to be done as Dr Shin acknowledges that the next step will be perfecting RAVEN's ability to land safely.

Keywords: Science & Technology,Scientists,build,robotic,robot,raven,Switzerland,revolutionary,flight,bird,design,fixed-wing,drones,eVTOL,craft,researchers,birds,Dr Won Dong Shin,challenging,legs,propeller-powered,hip,knee,ankle,air,walk,hop,jump,science and technology,science
