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AssetID: 54360194

Headline: 'Bonhoeffer' press junket

Caption: Todd Komarnicki is interviewed for 'Bonhoeffer' for Angel Studios. The film tells the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor in WW2 who preached peace while simultaneously struggling with the moral dilemma of becoming involved with a plot to assassinate Adolf Hilter. The film stars stars Jonas Dassler, August Diehl, Moritz Bleibtreu, Nadine Heidenreich, David Jonsson, Clarke Peters and Flula Borg. Linda Marric asks the questions. Plot: BONHOEFFER shares the true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pacifist pastor determined to live his life with uncompromising political and spiritual courage while choosing to live in Berlin during the Third Reich. Conspiring to bring an end to the Nazi regime, he fearlessly spoke the truth while facing unyielding oppression and evil. His impact is still felt around the world today.

Keywords: Todd Komarnicki,John Mathiesonk,Bonhoeffer,Angel Studios,Dietrich Bonhoeffer,Jonas Dassler,August Diehl,Moritz Bleibtreu,Nadine Heidenreich,David Jonsson,Clarke Peters,Flula Borg,interviews,interview,movie interview,entertainment video

PersonInImage: Todd Komarnicki