AssetID: 54549936
Headline: RAW VIDEO: Armageddon Out Of Here! Earth Is Saved From Feared Asteroid Strike
Caption: Astronomers have concluded that the Earth is safe from an asteroid that threatened to cause havoc by striking the Earth in 2032. New observations of the 2024 YR4 asteroid conducted with the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) and facilities around the world have all but ruled out an impact of the asteroid with our planet. The asteroid has been closely monitored in the past couple of months as its odds of impacting Earth in 2032 rose to above 3%, the highest impact probability ever reached for a sizable asteroid on record. However, after the latest observations, the odds of impact dropped to nearly zero. The asteroid 2024 YR4, estimated to be about 40 to 90 metres in diameter, was discovered in late December last year on an orbit that could cause it to collide with Earth on 22 December 2032. Because of its size and likelihood of impact, the asteroid quickly rose to the top of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) risk list, a catalogue of all space rocks with any chance of impacting Earth. ESO’s VLT was used to observe 2024 YR4 in mid-January, giving astronomers the crucial data they needed to more precisely calculate its orbit. Combined with data from other observatories, the very precise measurements from the VLT improved our knowledge of the asteroid's orbit, leading to an impact probability exceeding 1% — a key threshold to trigger disaster mitigation. More observations were triggered and the International Asteroid Warning Network issued a potential asteroid impact notification, alerting planetary defence groups, including the Space Mission Planning Advisory Group, about the possible impact. With multiple telescopes around the world observing the asteroid, and astronomers modelling its orbit, the impact probability rose to around 3% on 18 February, the highest impact probability ever recorded for an asteroid larger than 30 metres. New observations made with ESO’s VLT cut the impact risk in half, with the latest ones now reducing its chance of hitting Earth to 0.001% - taking it off the risk list. Explaining the rise and fall of the asteroid’s impact probability, ESO Astronomer Olivier Hainaut makes an analogy. “Because of the uncertainties, the orbit of the asteroid is like the beam of a flashlight: getting broader and broader and fuzzier in the distance,” he says. “As we observe more, the beam becomes sharper and narrower. Earth was getting more illuminated by this beam: the probability of impact increased.” The new VLT observations, together with data from other observatories, have allowed astronomers to constrain the orbit enough to all but rule out an impact with Earth in 2032. “The narrower beam is now moving away from Earth,” Hainaut says. ESO’s VLT has been instrumental in observations of this asteroid because of its mirror size and superb sensitivity, as well as the excellent dark skies at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile, where the telescope is located. This makes it ideal to track faint objects such as 2024 YR4 and other potentially dangerous asteroids. Unfortunately, the same Paranal's pristine dark skies that made these crucial measurements possible are currently under threat by an industrial megaproject run by a US power company. Scientists say it means we might not be able to spot and rule out the next asteroid that threatens the Earth. Hainaut warns: “With that brighter sky, the VLT would lose the faint 2024 YR4 about one month earlier, which would make a huge difference in our capability to predict an impact, and prepare mitigation measures to protect Earth.”
Keywords: asteroid,feature,video,photo,2024 yr4,space,astronomy,science,eso