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AssetID: 54230371

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Jailing of 10-year-olds resumed in Australian territory

Caption: Jailing of 10-year-olds resumed in Australian territory. Australia’s Northern Territory has lowered the age of criminal responsibility back to 10, reversing last year’s decision to raise it to 12. The new government, elected in August, argues that this move is needed to reduce youth crime despite opposition from doctors, human rights groups, and Indigenous advocates. Critics say the change will disproportionately affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who are already jailed at much higher rates than other youth in the country. The NT government claims the reversal will help divert young offenders from future crime though experts disagree on its effectiveness in reducing crime rates. Instructions: THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: Current Affairs & Politics,Australia,Northern Territory,lowered,age,criminal,responsibility,back,10-years-old,decision,new,government,crime,reduce,youth,aboriginal,Torres Straight islander,children,disporporitonately,affect,oppposition,doctors,human rights,groups
