AssetID: 54514229
Headline: RAW VIDEO: Brookfield Zoo Animals Have Loved Up Valentine's Day
Caption: Brookfield Zoo in Chicago’s animals have had a terrific Valentine’s Day by enjoying love-themed enrichment. Grey seals and California sea lions were given “Be Mine” unflavoured gelatin, which helps with hydration, while Malaya, the snow leopard, was seen pawing at a “U R Pawsome” heart-shaped enrichment, which had meat hidden inside. Sasha, the Amur leopard, used his keen sense of smell to locate treats concealed in a bouquet-shaped enrichment, and Whirl, the Amur tiger, and Kartik, the sloth bear, enjoyed searching for meat hidden within a box of chocolates-inspired enrichment item.
Keywords: brookfield zoo,valentine's day,chicago,animals,nature,feature,video,photo