AssetID: 53870952
Headline: RAW VIDEO: Cuteness Overload! Australian Reptile Park Welcomes New Generation Of Adorable Koala Joeys
Caption: The Australian Reptile Park is celebrating the arrival of five adorable koala joeys. The joeys are giving keepers and visitors a much-needed boost of serotonin as they are seen cuddling with their mumma (koala) bears. In recent weeks, the Mammals team at the Australian Reptile Park has noticed tiny hands, feet, and fluffy little ears popping out of the pouches. Soon enough, the cute joeys began poking their heads out to take in their surroundings. One brave joey fully emerged, marking the first complete joey sighting of the season! Keepers have named this 6-month-old male joey "Pedro." With five joeys confirmed so far, there is potential for a few more, as some females paired later in the season are showing signs of growing pouches. This could lead to a record season once final numbers are confirmed in a few months. Life Sciences Manager Hayley Shute, the Park’s resident koala whisperer, excitedly remarked, “With being devoted to saving this iconic Australian species, we always hope to have a successful breeding season here at the Park. With the arrival of these five fluffy bundles, and a few more on the way, it’s safe to say that we’ve had a successful year and couldn’t be happier!” Shute continued, “It’s becoming clear all over the world that koalas in Australia are under serious threat. Their habitat is disappearing at an unprecedented rate and koalas are estimated to be extinct by 2050. We really need all the help we can get protecting these amazing animals.” Proud to be an active supporter of wildlife conservation, the Australian Reptile Park continues to breed their koalas to help boost population numbers for the endangered species and educate Australians about koalas. The wildlife park, located on the Central Coast of New South Wales, also hopes this heightened awareness helps protect the species from extinction.
Keywords: feature,photo feature,photo story