AssetID: 54439266
Headline: Martin Scorsese calls David Lynch's death 'a sad day for moviemakers and movie lovers'
Caption: The Wolf of Wall Street director has joined in the outpouring of tributes to his fellow filmmaker Lynch, who died on 15 January aged 78. He had been diagnosed with the chronic lung disease emphysema in 2020. In his statement, Scorsese reflected upon Lynch's back catalogue of unusual and mind-bending films and TV shows such as Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks. "I hear and read the word 'visionary' a lot these days - it's become a kind of catch-all description, another piece of promotional language. But David Lynch really was a visionary - in fact,..."
Keywords: CPS1680661,Martin Scorsese,David Lynch,Death,Sad,Day,Filmmaker,Director,Movies,Films,Career,Statement,Tributes,Friends,Visionary,MUlholland Drive,Twin Peaks