AssetID: 54433153
Headline: UNCAPTIONED: UK Bans German Livestock Imports Amid Foot-and-Mouth Outbreak
Caption: UK Bans German Livestock Imports Amid Foot-and-Mouth Outbreak. The UK has banned imports of cattle, pigs, sheep, and their products from Germany, following the confirmation of foot-and-mouth disease near Berlin. This marks Germany’s first outbreak in 36 years prompting the slaughter of 55 animals on an affected farm and precautionary closures of Berlin Zoo and Tierpark. The highly contagious disease, which poses no threat to humans, spreads rapidly among cloven-hoofed animals like cows and sheep. UK health certificates will no longer be issued for animals or products at risk. Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. Christine Middlemiss emphasized the need for robust measures to prevent the disease from entering Britain. Instructions: THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT
Keywords: Current Affairs & Politics,UK,banned,imports,cattle,pigs,sheep,products,Germany,Berlin,confirmation,foot and mouth disease,highly contagious,no threat to humans,UK health certificates,no longer issued,prevent,entering,britain,outbreak,slaughter,precautions