AssetID: 54430464
Headline: Kendra Wilkinson hits back at body-shamers over 'happy, healthy' weight gain
Caption: The reality star, who will turn 40 in June this year, has called out those who've criticised her for gaining weight. She took to Instagram to share a full-body selfie, and tell her followers that her body is a reflection of how she's feeling inside. "Yes, I've gained weight. Yes, im aging. Yes, I'm not that girl i was before (playboy girl)," she wrote. "But for once in a long time I feel good and mentally healthy. Kids are my everything. Feeling pretty balanced. Working out and cooking a lot more. Golf, work. No housekeeper or nanny."
Keywords: CPS1680436,Kendra Wilkinson,Body-shamers,Full body selfie,Healthy,Happy,Weight gain,Instagram,Mental health,Balanced,Reality star,Critized,Reflection,Playboy girl