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AssetID: 54409942

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Aquarists Make A Splash With Marine Animals During SEA LIFE Aquariums' Annual 'Count And Clean'

Caption: Aquarists Make A Splash With Marine Animals During SEA LIFE Aquariums' Annual ‘Count And Clean’. Aquarists at SEA LIFE Aquariums across the U.K. have been conducting their annual creature ‘Count and Clean’, taking stock of over 30,000 amazing marine creatures on display across the 11 nationwide attractions. Every January, expert Aquarists at SEA LIFE Centres don their wetsuits and come armed with their measuring tapes and clipboards to take on the mammoth task of counting, weighing and measuring each attraction’s huge array of creatures and marine species. Molokai, Birmingham’s resident Green Sea turtle, is the heaviest critter, weighing more than 170 kilograms, while Weymouth’s Tyne, the seal, came in second at around 70kg. Also waddling their way to an impressive weight are SEA LIFE London Aquarium’s colony of Gentoo penguins, with Daley leading the charge at 6.69 kilograms. Counted in London were the 350 jellyfish, as were rescued Terrapins who now call the newly refurbished Rainforest Adventure zone home. Aquarists also use this time to conduct comprehensive health checks, strengthen the strong bonds they have with the creatures.

Keywords: Natural World,Aquarists,marine,animals,SEA LIFE,Aquariums,annual,Count And Clean,attractions,mammoth,creatures,species,Green Sea turtle,penguins,jellyfish,Terrapins,health,checks
