AssetID: 54397541
Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Moon's True Age Uncovered: 'Remelting' Surfaces Suggest 4.51 Billion Years of Lunar History
Caption: Moon’s True Age Uncovered: ‘Remelting’ Surfaces Suggest 4.51 Billion Years of Lunar History. A new study suggests the Moon may be far older than previously estimated, challenging long-held beliefs about its formation, Sky News reports. Planetary scientists believe the Moon's surface may have "remelted" around 4.35 billion years ago, potentially hiding much older features beneath. The Moon is believed to have formed when a Mars-sized protoplanet collided with Earth in a massive impact—the last major one in Earth's history. Previous estimates dated the Moon’s age at around 4.35 billion years based on rock samples thought to have crystallized from an ancient magma ocean. A study published in Nature by Professor Francis Nimmo and his team suggests these rock samples may come from an earlier period, with remelting masking their true age. By analyzing thermal models, craters, and mineral ages, researchers propose the Moon could be up to 4.51 billion years old—1.6 million years older than thought. The study posits that a heating phase erased many craters, explaining why fewer remain from asteroid bombardments about 4 billion years ago. The Moon's surface remelting during this period likely smoothed out its terrain, reshaping how scientists interpret its history. These findings highlight the complexity of lunar evolution, providing fresh insights into the Moon's dynamic past. The study could refine future explorations and theories about planetary formation across our solar system. Instructions: THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT
Keywords: Science & Technology,Moon,True,Age,Uncovered,Remelting,Estimated,Billion,Years,Lunar,History,Formation,Challenging,Satellite,Earth,Solyar Sytem,Rocks