AssetID: 54334158
Headline: UNCAPTIONED: The first patch for Stalker 2 is coming
Caption: The first patch for Stalker 2 is coming. Eurogamer reported that developer GSC Game World announced that the first patch for Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl will address player feedback directly. In a Steam update shared over the weekend, the studio revealed that it has identified several issues and outlined its priorities for the upcoming patch. The first fix targets memory allocation failures that caused crashes, especially during rendering, meshes, and quest cutscenes. Gameplay and balance tweaks include fixing the weapon prices with upgrades, ensuring they align with their value without attachments. UI improvements include correct display of quest notifications during dialogues. Cutscenes and visual fixes include enhanced quality and stability of visual effects. There’s no word yet on when the patch will be released but developer hinted it's coming soon. Instructions: THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT
Keywords: gaming,game,stalker 2,stalker 2 update,stalker 2 patch,stalker 2 steam,stalker 2 trailer