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AssetID: 54504712

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: The Robot Dogs Of War! British Army Tests High-Tech Bomb Disposal Hounds

Caption: The Robot Dogs Of War! British Army Tests High-Tech Bomb Disposal Hounds. Britain will soon have a best friend in its fight against terrorism having completed successful tests of robot dogs that can conduct bomb disposal. The high-tech hounds are set to significantly reduce the risk to military personnel by revolutionising the disposal process. U.K. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) trials took place over four days and included the dogs remotely classifying and identifying threats using sensors, defusing bombs, and tasks such as opening doors and climbing stairs. According to officials the trials showed the 'robot dogs' reduce the need to put a bomb disposal operator in harm's way by increasing the number of tasks that robots can perform remotely and allow delicate and precision movements to be completed reliably. The trials involved a series of scenarios, where the robot was asked to perform various tasks including opening and closing doors autonomously, navigating stairs, inspecting improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and consequently firing disruptors at the IEDs to render them safe. Plus of course, unlike their canine counterparts these robotic Rovers don't require treats to keep them happy!

Keywords: Science and Technology,robot,dogs,war,tests,British,Army,high-tech,bomb,disposal,hounds,terrorism,military,personnel,U.K.,Defence Science and Technology Laboratory,Dstl,threats,sensors,bombs,perform,precision,movements,explosive,devices,IED’s
